I don't know if it's the hot sticky weather, the slowly browning grass, the overload of "back-to-school" busyness, the staleness of my house after being overloaded with kids and various summer gear for 3 straight months, or the lethargic looking flowers that haven't already pooped out, but my body (and mind) have decided that I am DEFINITELY allergic to August.
The month seeped into my life bringing with it my third headcold of the summer - a doozy, which promptly morphed into a sinus infection of epic proportions. I think that triggered an acute allergic reaction to all places air conditioned.
It seemes that my system has finally said "enough!" to whatever is blowing through the air conditioning vents in my house, car, or any other public building. Maybe it's the chemical freon that cools the air or some microscopic thing growing inside the airvents at this time of year, I don't know. All I know, is that I'm fine outdoors, but indoors, I just can't breathe.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Allergic to August
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
And He Grew
...and grew strong as a boy
must grow who does not know
that he is learning any lessons, and
who has nothing in the world to
think of except things to eat.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Retail Victory
gloat: \ˈglōt\ intransitive verb, origin date: 1605
to observe or think about something with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction, gratification, or delight
— gloat·er noun
— gloat·ing·ly adverb
Well, I just couldn't resist posting my latest small triumph. I've read about people who leave a grocery store with a cartful of groceries and more money than they walked in with. You know those occasional articles in newsstand magazines that applaud some woman's knack for getting tons of food absolutely free (a lot of which is overly processed and laden with fat and salt, ... but that's a topic for another day). The ones with the latest diet fads of the rich and famous (or infamous, is more like it).
Monday, July 28, 2008
'Til We 'Meet' Again
It has been a week since I survived eight hours at the Koury (arriving at 6:45 am) watching my champs swim their hearts out.
Early birds!
The Calm before the Storm
"Swimmers Take Your Mark"
It was a really close (and fierce!) competition!
Exhausting, emotionally draining
for all involved (especially me) .....
Eeew, that's a lot of wet kids and towels....
(Push Play)
Soul, Satisfaction, give me some of that action!
Shakee GO GO, Shakee GO GO
So long (coach) Kevin, we'll miss you
Until we 'meet' again...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
How do I love thee? Let me cownt the ways
a little facepaint, a lot of chicken, a dancing cow
I had been in a funk the last few days thinking about big changes coming up for two of the great loves of my life. My sweetheart girl is starting middle school. I was just thinking about how she called herself "Fifi" when she was just two and couldn't pronounce her name. Middle school?
Then there's Halibut, my shadow for the past five years, going off to kindergarten. How many trips to the park, how many stops at 'bageltown' (panera), how many extra things in my grocery cart? Wish I'd counted them now. Wish I'd thought less about how much I wasn't getting done.
They are growing up so fast - and yet, tonight they still love facepaint. They still laugh at the dancing cow and take a balloon. Their eyes still light up when we announce "next stop, Locopops". What a relief!
Tonight has been good. I feel so much better, ...for now.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Treasure Hunt Surrogate
Anyone who knows me very well knows that I love finding a bargain. It used to be garage sales when I was a teenager, then my friend Ernie introduced me to the mystique of "dead man shops" (thrift stores). It's amazing what you can find at a great dead man's shop!
One of my favorite things to do is to go "hunting" with my kids to see who can find the best treasure. We had a great time! --especially when I was still building my Beatrix Potter collection.
I love the Old Lady who Lived in a Shoe figurine that I scooped up for $1 from a roadside junk sale which sells for over $65 on ebay (it's in the box with the rest of my Potter collection). I love my antique blue glass canning jars. I love that I found Cole Haan shoes and a Brighton bag (still in the box!) at a fraction of their retail cost--even if I don't use them much. I loved the french coffee table book that I bought for $1 and resold on Amazon for $30. I love giving new life to sad little castoffs (ie, junk)!
But, alas my modest square footage overfloweth! Plus the sticker shock at the gas pump has taken it's toll on such frivolity!
But, isn't there a saying "you can take the dog out of the hunt, but you can't take the hunt out of the dog" ? Or did I just make that up? Well it should be a saying!
cracked up
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Hello Jack

Anyway, their blog "Better Together" sports the same title of a song by Jack Johnson and they have the song playing on their playlist. I had never heard it (or of him) before but I fell instantly in love... I don't usually have much reaction to music. I can generally take it or leave it. I own very few CD's. Even in high school there was very little that moved me. When my friends had multiple layers of posters on their walls portraying the latest and greatest MTV heartthrobs, I stuck with my one-and-only, Sting. Finally he (and his brooding) started to get on my nerves. Now his songs all transport me back to those horrible years of teenage angst....ugh.
It's rare, but occasionally I'll hear a song or a particular artist that just speaks to me, and I tend to fall hard. Now, I'm odd when it comes to music and my taste (with the exception of Mr. Sumner) has never been mainstream. I remember trying in vain to find anything by Isreal Kamakawiwo'ole while living in Utah, and the blank looks of Borders employees when I asked for a choral version of Pachelbel's Canon that I'd heard (turned out to be the boys' group Libera, which is AMAZING).
Now, I was surprised to find out that Jack Johnson has 4 albums (do they still call them that?) and is on 6 soundtracks and about 32 music compilations, and the only song I had ever heard of his before was something with a weird title and weirder lyrics: Bubble Toes(?) ..."her feet are infested with tarballs"(?) ... uh, yeah. I was not surprised the trip down Target's CD aisle was fruitless.
But what I heard on Ky and Eric's blog, I liked, alot. So, rather than look like a total idiot and continually log on to their page just to listen to their favorite songs, I went on a quest, and figured out how to make a playlist of my own and added the neat little gatchet here. I'm sure I'm showing my age here - it took me all afternoon to figure the thing out.
I'm sure that I'm my own most frequent visitor.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
It's amazing to watch your kids find joy in work. This is always easier when the task is something new and interesting.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Angelfish Trivia
1. What time did you get up this morning? 8:30-ish
2. Diamonds or pearls? diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the movies? Wall-e (at the drive-in!)
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? cereal
7. What food do you dislike? Greek
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Jack Johnson- In Between Dreams
9. What kind of car do you drive? Lexus 470LX
11. What characteristic do you despise? manipulativeness
12. Favorite item of clothing? jeans that fit, gap t-shirt (see photo)
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Hawaii
22. Are you a morning person or a night person? in between
23. What is your shoe size? 9
24. Pets? my kids have pets, I have kids
26. What did you want to be when you were little? a kid forever
30. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? July 19th - swim championships
32. What is your full name? that's confidential
33. What are you listening to right now? White Sandy Beach of Hawaii - Isreal Kamakawiwo'ole
36. If you were a crayon, what color would you want to be? aqua
37. How is the weather right now? Overcast and 80's, humid
41. Hair color? summer-orangey/yellow
43. Summer or winter? In between (spring, fall)
46. Coffee or tea? herb tea
47. Do you want your friends to email you back? YES!!
48. When was the last time you cried? watching president Hinckley's funeral
49. What is under your bed? food storage
52. Salty or sweet? Sweet
53. How many keys on your key ring? 1
55. Favorite day of the week? Sunday
56. How many towns have you lived in? 12
57. Do you make friends easily? not really
59. How many will respond? don't know
60. Do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends? Yes!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Fruits of His Labors
Well, it finally happened. Tonight my dear husband was not just happy, but thrilled to be eating beans (and only beans) for dinner. Normally I would never consider such a thing - the very mention of a "meatless" meal would have serious consquences (the sighs, the forlorn expression, the droopy posture, you get the idea).
And let me tell you, this event is no 'small potatoes' :) - these babies were started from seed way back in March. No cheating by planting store-bought plants! Big T got the brilliant idea of warming up the soil of the seed trays by placing them on a heating pad. I had countertops full of teeny green sprouts in my kitchen for two months until after the first frost.
Watching my husband putter in his garden until after dark is all very entertaining to me because, until recently, I had not realized that I had married a farmer. Here I thought I'd caught an accountant! Apparently it's in his genes - at least a few generations of Fishers have been farmers. It's neat the way it seems to be so natural to him.
So what goes into growing such a perfect first harvest? Well,...
a lot of time
a lot of water
a lot of sun
a lot of string
a lot of bamboo
a lot of deer repellant
a lot of prayers,
a lot of waiting,