Here's what we learned at the Busch Garden bird sanctuary: These birds ain't shy--especially when fresh nectar is on the menu! And there's nothing like a bird, (or two!) in the hand, or on the head, to make a kid (and a mom) smile!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Birds of a Feather
Friday, January 8, 2010
Giva a Little Bit
Who IS that girl? why it's our very own Gigi - fresh from getting 10 inches of her beautiful hair cut for donating to Locks of Love.
Ever since last year she had been planning on donating her hair as soon as it was long enough, so we had just gone in for a little trim. We thought that the organization that makes wigs for children had a minimum requirement for 12 inches for donation.
When she found out they would take 10 inches, she said "do it!" And she never flinched as all of her hair was bunched up and snipped. Unfortunately we won't be able to find out where it eventually finds its new home...privacy issues.
But being able to contribute something to help another child has been a valuable experience. What more can a person give than a part of themselves (literally!)?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Deck Their Halls
"Black Friday" is of course known for the biggest shopping day of the year. Those who aren't out shopping are, I imagine, breaking the Boughs of Holly out of mothballs and dutifully decorating in preparation for the upcoming month of Christmas merriment.
I, on the other hand, am usually still recovering from Thanksgiving--either from the cooking of the dinner, or the eating way too much of it! (ideally in my pajamas and fuzzy slippers for as long as possible!)
So, since we were fortunate enough to be spending the weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's in
King, the kiddos got to have a decorating extravaganza!! Never have more decorations been so enthusiastically squeezed into every nook and cranny of a house.
Since Grandma never met a Snowman or Santa she didn't like for her collection,
this process took quite a while!
It was a happy day for all of us: the kids had a grand time assembling the tree, wrapping on the lights, and examining all of the beautiful ornaments and decorations.......and I got to watch (from the couch!)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Ultimately Thankful
Ultimate (also called ultimate frisbee) is a limited contact team sport played with a 175 gram flying disc. The object of the game is to score points by passing the disc to a player in the opposing end zone, similar to that in American football or rugby.
Most families have football at Thanksgiving. Ours has frisbee!
We have determined that frisbee is the perfect sport for us because:We look pretty good doing it!
It's great for all ages
We are so grateful for the time that we got to spend together as a family during the Thanksgiving holiday. It is so nice to be able to stop everything and step back and look at the things in our lives that are so valuable and offer special prayers of gratitude to our Father in Heaven for all He has given us.
We are thankful for our family.
We are thankful for each and every member of it.
We are thankful for our health.
We are thankful for our home.
We are thankful for our church.
We are thankful for our Saviour.
no special equipment or uniforms are required Halftime always involves piggyback rides!
being silly is a requirement!