Saturday, December 27, 2008
Recital Balls
Monday, December 22, 2008
For the past few years, a certain red plastic bucket has been conspicuously perched in the center or off to the side during most of our family gatherings. I've moved it about a thousand times. It's there during Saturday morning cartoons, scripture reading, home-teacher and grandparent visits, and it invariably comes out during 'quiet time' on Sunday afternoons. Did I mention that I've moved it a thousand times?
But I don't complain. You see, I have a deep respect for the humble Lego--those stackable, snapable, bricks of plastic that have captured my children's imagination and povided hours of (mostly quiet) creativity for all of them. I would say that Legos have been the best value of all the toys we've ever bought. I know families that have passed down their Legos through generations without letting them go.
I trooped my girls over to the Disney souvenier emporium next door to find an 'official' souvenier but they didn't last ten minutes. No one over there seemed to be having any fun. I smiled secretly to myself as we made our way back. Big business marketing tactics have always bugged me. Aparently they bug my kids too.
There were amazing things to look at.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Be Still
So, it's been a little while since I've felt like writing anything. I've been feeling like things around me are moving so fast, while I'm somehow standing still, either observing, or just not being able to keep up with it all. Not being able to process it all fast enough, I am like a deer in the headlights, and I freeze.
When I realized how much 'stuff' I needed to do today, not to make any great strides foreward, but just to acheive "not falling behind", I felt overwhelmed. Kind of like someone being dragged out in the tide, struggling and treading water fiercely in order to be able to remain in the same spot she was before.
And I got ready to write about being on a merry go round. And then I heard the words:
Thursday, November 13, 2008
He Did it!
So, finally, we just couldn't wait any longer for 'Alexis' to be fixed (Grouper named her by accident). We decided to bite-the-bullet and charge the repairs on a credit card - yuck!, right? But there was no other option. I called AAA on this rainy day (the same one I declared "Pajama Day") to come and take her to the shop. (Yay for Triple A - the tow was free).
It was entertaining to watch the guy hoist this 3 tonner up on the flatbed when he couldn't even back it into our driveway (the pine tree roots have raised our driveway about 2 feet up from the street - making it hard for some cars to get in or out without bottoming out...
We were lucky to get a great car repair reference from our last Home Teacher - (he's the best car-guy!)--the same one who advised my husband NOT to try to fix our car himself.
I expected to be waiting a few days to get an estimate and another couple for the car to actually be fixed (not to mention the several months of paying for it!). But about mid-afternoon, I got a call saying the car was done. And the total?
About $36!
Well, it turns out that my husband can now add 'mechanic' to his long list of accomplishments. He had it fixed right, there was just one broken electrical wire to be replaced. Ta Daa!We're so proud of him!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Pajama Day
Backyard Cookout
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Still the Same Star
Here she is - those beautiful sparking blue eyes and silly grin. She's wearing her favorite beach hat from the kite shop at Jockey's Ridge and her favorite t-shirt that says "Sophie's Beauty Hut" on the back.
And I LOVE this girl soo much.
She is still the same sweet girl she was before being diagnosed with Type I Diabetes yesterday.
But I am different. And the choices we'll make as a family are different; from what to eat, to where to live. I am amazed how quickly all of the things I used to concern myself with have dissappeared in an instant. And how issues that didn't concern me yesterday have parked themselves right smack in the middle of my world. I find my ignorance of this disease and ambivalence toward stem cell research embarrassing now. Amazed at what I took for granted just yesterday. More grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ than ever.
I finally fell asleep last night after forcing myself not to think of all the ways our lives have been changed, literally overnight. Or asking the inevitable questions, "Why?", 'why her?", 'why our family?', "why now with all of the changes she is already dealing with by virtue of her tender age?" 'was it because she inherited my screwy overactive immune system that turned on her own beta cells?" "Could we have done anything differently?" These questions don't help.
I have to remember that Heavenly Father has a plan for us, and for her, and, whether we like it or not, this is part of it.
My stomach is still churning and my hands tremble as I write this, but I do it in hopes that it will be like therapy for me - as writing my thoughts often has been a comfort for me. Potential titles to this post floated in my brain as I sat inthe ER yesterday with my girl: 'This changes Everything', 'What a difference a day makes,' etc.
But ultimately this is the right one. She is still the same smart, shy, silly, fun loving, Nancy Drew obsessed girl. She is still a star on the stage of our family's lives.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Feeling Squirrelish
Friday, October 10, 2008
A Little Bit of Birthday

H-man made a special Lego creation to give to his dad--which was very touching considering his Legos are pretty much his most prized possessions.
All in all, a pretty low-key birthday. I worried that he'd be disappointed. But I don't think so... when they told him to make a wish, he hugged his kids and replied "all my wishes already came true".
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Dude, Where's My Car?
My dear husband has amazing skills, and I'm not talking about bowstaff and numchuck skills, Kip. He grew an impressive vegetable garden this year and keeps the yard under control, he does most of our car maintenance, as well as plumbing, electrical work, drywalling, and pretty much any household repair--in fact, he's turned several ramshackle old houses into valuable income producing properties in his spare time. At his day-job as an accountant, he analyzes spreadsheets with the best of them and files a mean itemized tax return, and then, of course the best part:
he's a loving, patient and kind husband and father.
I tell ya - the man practically does it all !
Unfortunately for me, however, he wants to be able to do everything and he tries to do it all, and that recently translated to his attempt to fix my car--
about a month ago!
Probably not his best idea...To his credit he got good instructions and methodically followed them, got all the right tools and so forth, and tried really hard. But, when we turned the key...alas, nothing happened.
The towing and garage bill to repair my car is going to be more than we have stashed under the mattress. And my guy is working so hard on several fronts, I just don't know when I'll be able to start my baby up again. Greener, yes - but not by choice!
So I'll be carless for a while longer--I wish it was because I'm so thrifty and conscientious about the environment. Not so. It's because I had such faith in Big T to be able to do it, since he can usually fix everything.
And he will...eventually.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Well, Here I go!

I didn't cry when I dropped him off, as Big Tuna predicted. Just watched a while through the glass. He was so happy to be starting this new phase of his life and I was happy for him. This is a journey he will be making without me.
Things will be different now. Not better or worse, just... different.
And I'm secretly thrilled when he asks me some mornings,
"Mommy, do I get to stay home today"?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Budget Cuts

All Creatures Great and Small

In the next neighborhood over there are a few peacocks nesting in the trees. We hear their mating calls sometimes. A small flock of geese decorates the picturesque landscape near us. We pass them very morning on our way to work, school, ...anywhere. We've seen raccoons watching us from trees. And a few times, I have been awoken by the soft "whoo, whoo" of an owl or the drilling of a woodpecker in a tree. I've really enjoyed living in the midst of such wildlife. Much nicer than the traffic and trains I listened to daily prior to moving here!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Camp Fisher-Nantahala
This being the first year we considered our girls old enough for summer camp, I did not know that you have to be willing to pony up your applications and cash early or there would not be any spots left--like April(!) At the time, I was looking forward to spending more time with my kids after school ended, not paying someone to take them off my hands (those feelings surfaced a little later). So we missed that summer camp registration window this year.
The camps that were not full by mid June were also the ones that were terribly expensive. Luckily, I was able to get Orca into a four day sleep-away sailing camp--there was space available in her age group but not the older girls--after all, who sends a seven year old girl to sleep-away camp??? (see "Brave Little Camper") So, my husband and I formulated a plan to take Salmon and Grouper on a little camping excursion of our own, complete with white water rafting, caving, panning for gold, and horseback riding.
....Then came the "distress call". Our oldest, Marlin, who was in college in New Mexico,was in a crisis,... again. Scrap the trip, find that 'white knight' helmet and race to the rescue! (this meant buy a last minute plane ticket, fly across the country and drive her and her "stuff" all the way back here --1700+ miles). It's what moms do.
Thankfully my dear husband is an awesome dad--he did not want to dissappoint those girls, and, as an Eagle Scout, I knew he was even capable of handling
He packed up everything himself, got a map, completed the reservations I never finished, even remembered the camera and
the marshmallows, too!
He brought back some great photos of what I missed and promised me that this was just a warm-up trip for when we go again, to make sure next time is perfect. I just love that man!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Peaches and Wheat! ...oh, and Cream of course!
Fall Fling!
Unfortunately, right now, our situation dictates that we live in an insanely tiny house (for our large family, that is) And there just isn't enough room for all that stuff. Over the summer, it seems to have gotten out of control, especially since Marlin moved back home (temporarily!!)
Well, the kids are back in school and for the first time I am HOME ALONE(!) for a good part of the day. And my new job is to de-junkify our house. Here is the first of many piles headed for the donation bin. Naturally I'm starting in their bedrooms! Wish me luck!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
And They're Off!
Before they "Meet the Teacher"
Before their lunchboxes and backpacks are packed and lined up by the door
Before they receive a Father's Blessing
Before they pose for their "First Day of school" photos (I always take too many)
The idea of the big "back to school" shopping trip was always tantalizing and filled with anticipation when I was a kid. In the end, though, it seemed we would be exhausted and mildly disappointed, or just glad it was over.
I remember each August my mother would pack all 5 of us up in our beige Buick station wagon and make the hour-long trek to Nashville, Tennessee--which was the closest big town to our hometown in Bowling Green, Kentucky (grades 2 thru 11 for me).
Finally, there have to be a few new outfits to round out our preparations--followed by a fashion show, of course! I have given up on the whole "outfitting for fall" idea, because you know what? - there is a ton of clothes from last Christmas or after Christmas sales sitting in storage bins that will work just fine. And after the initial first few days of school, my kids don't care if their clothes are brand-spankin' new. In fact, sometimes they prefer their comfy old standbys. So we hit the summer sale racks, pull out a few pieces at bargain basement prices, and call it good. They're happy, I'm happy, and the clothes don't make them sizzle through the last hot days of summer.
Funny Boy
to me: I'm so Glad at you! (when I found my swimsuit after telling him I couldn't and would not be swimming with him).