However, when it came to Miss G - well, then I got nervous. She has the thick luxurious locks we all long for. When she was little she had those boing-boing curls that Romona Quimby coveted. As she grew older the curls were replaced with a thick auburn mop - see photo. But she begged and pleaded. "I'll braid it, put it in pig-tails, ponytail it - that'll be cooler anyway" said I, remembering the pixie-headed me of long ago and my jealousy over my sister's waist-length blonde mane.
Then she got mad and I gave in. I couldn't bring myself to chop off quite as much as I did with the other two, though. She seems happy with it, but not at my snapping photos of her. (And I've read the deer don't nibble on plants surrounded by human hair - so tomorrow, I'll be sadly scattering...)
I'm so interested to hear if this works in your garden!
I'm getting ready to make that 'repentance' soup. I've done a bit of backsliding myself these past few days. Like maybe your dad including a chocolate cake donut with my fresh squeezed o.j. this a.m. 'cuz I got up with a sore throat. The o.j. fixed the throat but the doughnut will remain on my butt for weeks. dratz!
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