If you ever find yourself with a free weekend in the middle of June, I would highly recommend loading the kids up in the car with some snacks and books on tape and heading north, just across the Virginia border to Ayers Orchard. This is one of our favorite family getaways of the season.
Perhaps you can see why:
Two words: Climbing Trees!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Hi Ho Cherry-O
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Pool Rules!

The hectic schedule looks something like this:
For nearly three weeks starting in May when the water was a mere 40 degrees we rush to finish homework and chores in the brief time between the bus drop-off until the practice starts at 4:15 (thats one hour and fifteen minutes per day of drill-seargant-mom, folks). Three hours later (7:00pm) after all three girls have practiced we rush back home to squeeze in dinner, baths, more school stuff, scripture reading, bedtime, and uh, oh yeah family time)
Once school is out the swim meets start. These last anywhere from 3 to 5 hours each, and there are six, not including championships. I'm required to volunteer as chaperone for a few of these, or otherwise wait through innumerable heats and events as kids ages 5 through 18 line up against the competition-which is fierce! You ain't seen nothin' until you've experienced a Carolina-kids swim meet.
Also following the end of school we begin early morning practice (9-10am 3 times/week); lessons for Halibut (10-11am 4 times/week), water aerobics for me (7-8pm 1 time/week) if I make it - and that's a big IF, diving lessons, and, oh yeah -play time.
I haven't yet counted the exact number of hours I spend at the pool in a season--I just know that for a while, our days are ruled by our pool schedule - and we wouldn't want it any other way.
(ps- what do I get out of all this? nope, not a great tan, but cute photo opps, and finally a chance to work through that stack of magazines gathering dust by the side of my bed).
Monday, June 16, 2008
My favorite things about Beach Life Illustrated
Our Family. I was a little frustrated that this photo was taken so 'on the fly'. The one thing I really thought I wanted to get out of this week was a decent family photo. You know, the whole standard matching shirts deal. But look at us - I don't think I could have found more clashing outfits if I had tried - and check out the Spidey suit peeking out from Mr. Obsessive's shorts, and did anyone even comb their hair all day? Not me. As it turns out - this photo shoot was squeezed in at the last-minute among all of the activities that have become our beach traditions--pinata, shell contest, etc. - as "one more thing we've gotta do before we leave the beach"
... Not the way I planned it.
But this is us. We're happy. Our kids are happy. And in searching for the best of our vacation photos, I see that the best moments of being at the beach are always...unplanned.
Here are some more of my favorite beach moments.
Sunset walks with my sweetie ...
still in love after all this timeFreckles!
'Thee Special' at Provisions - grown-up dinner nite involves crabcakes, cucumber salad, steamed shrimp,... and a roll of paper towels on the table!
Putting it in writing
The View! Endless waves
No schedules. Book in one hand, Fresca in the other. BT has assumed his beach position!
Cousins together for a week - the number of cousins in the photo has dwindled as they have grown up, gone on missions, gotten married (the first one this year!), gone off to college, been committed to jobs, or just moved too far away to make the trip every year. But they will all have these happy memories to hold on to forever.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Reminder to Me
This is a wonderful time to be living here on earth. Our opportunities are limitless. While there are some things wrong in the world today, there are many things right, such as teachers who teach, ministers who minister, marriages that make it, parents who sacrifice, and friends who help. We can lift ourselves, and others as well, when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude. If ingratitude be numbered among the serious sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues.
--Thomas S. Monson. "An Attitude of Gratitude." Ensign, May 1992, 54.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Things I love about being at THE BEACH
20. having no schedule
19. spray-on sunscreen(!)
18. outdoor showers
17. leaving the Legos out on the floor all week
16. frog-eye salad and watermelon
15. happy chaos of cousins playing together
14. freckles!
13. watching the kids wave-jumping for hours
12. great new photo opps
11. wearing a swimsuit all day
10. marathon Monopoly games
9. "beach hair"
8. Crabcakes at Provisions
7. Soduko!
6. the sound of the waves
5. Naps
4. treasure hunting at shell island during low tide
3. digging in the sand with my toes
2. sunset walks on the beach
1. leaving the world behind for a while to just be with my family.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Camping Boys
Father & Son's Campout 2008.
It doesn't get any better than this!
It had been raining for two days when they left the house for the campout and the forecast was 'iffy'.
Comes around once a year. Ya just gotta go! Have faith.
BT did not look exactly thrilled as he speedily loaded up 'the basics". I'm sure the idea of sleeping in the truck cab with wet, muddy stuff was looking likely. But Halibut was so excited!
This is probably the very first one he'll remember. Looks like it turned out to be a pretty good one to remember after all.