The hectic schedule looks something like this:
For nearly three weeks starting in May when the water was a mere 40 degrees we rush to finish homework and chores in the brief time between the bus drop-off until the practice starts at 4:15 (thats one hour and fifteen minutes per day of drill-seargant-mom, folks). Three hours later (7:00pm) after all three girls have practiced we rush back home to squeeze in dinner, baths, more school stuff, scripture reading, bedtime, and uh, oh yeah family time)
Once school is out the swim meets start. These last anywhere from 3 to 5 hours each, and there are six, not including championships. I'm required to volunteer as chaperone for a few of these, or otherwise wait through innumerable heats and events as kids ages 5 through 18 line up against the competition-which is fierce! You ain't seen nothin' until you've experienced a Carolina-kids swim meet.
Also following the end of school we begin early morning practice (9-10am 3 times/week); lessons for Halibut (10-11am 4 times/week), water aerobics for me (7-8pm 1 time/week) if I make it - and that's a big IF, diving lessons, and, oh yeah -play time.
I haven't yet counted the exact number of hours I spend at the pool in a season--I just know that for a while, our days are ruled by our pool schedule - and we wouldn't want it any other way.
(ps- what do I get out of all this? nope, not a great tan, but cute photo opps, and finally a chance to work through that stack of magazines gathering dust by the side of my bed).
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