Sunday, August 9, 2009

COW Do We Love Thee?

Whoever at Chick-fil-A came up with having cow mascots is a genius. Whoever came up with giving away free food once a year to people willing to dress up like a cow is even 'genius-er'.

Now, I'm not proud...I'll bend over to pick up a penny on the ground. But when I found out about the dress-up promotion, I was really thinking it would be a fun activity to do with the kids--the free food would just be a side-benefit.

It was Starfish who took the lead. Like most projects, I got sidetracked with all the everyday stuff that needs to be done (errands, bills, messes, etc). Starfish went and found old white t-shirts and some black cloth napkins that I had left over from something, cut the cow-spots, and got them ironed on. All I really did was buy the fusible webbing and show her how to iron it on.

The kids had fun designing and wearing their shirts. We got to eat out for "no good reason".
And I had fun not cooking dinner than night!

I have to say, they've won us over at CFA!

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